New Years Manifestation Mastery Workshop - Jan 29, 2025 - Flow Yoga
New Years Manifestation Mastery Workshop - Jan 29, 2025 at Flow Yoga 3rd Eye
Wednesday 8-10:00PM

Jan 29, 2025

at 3rd Eye

Jan 29th, 8-10:00PM

New Years Manifestation Mastery Workshop

This meditation workshop will not only teach you the tools on how to program your manifestations into your subconscious so that they can actually manifest physically, but also heal the blocks that prevent you from having what you want.

One of the biggest issues people have when they try to manifest is that they aren’t able to heal the blocks that prevent their manifestations from actually being realized in the 3D. Someone can have that best intentions and try as their might but then still run into self-sabotage or self-defeating behaviors

What is special about this advanced workshop is that before we even manifest, we will be doing some deep healing around your feminine and masculine wounding. We need a healthy balance of both in order for us to not only attract what we want but also take aligned action and initiative.

Our earliest examples of feminine and masculine energies come from our parents or parental figures, our mothers and fathers. Even if there is a lot of love between you and your parents, we can walk away from our childhood with a lot of wounds that impact our ability to manifest.

Some examples of mother wounding include: not feeling wanted, fear of failure, fear of our needs not being met, repressed emotions such as guilt, shame, anger, rage and a lot more

Some examples of father wounding include: not feeling chosen, feeling unsafe, feeling victimized, feeling unworthy etc

In this workshop we will work on healing these wounds, work on your having-ness for what you want (essentially our worthiness), then dive deep into a detailed process on how to implant and then harvest your desires within your subconscious, and lastly we will end with an akashic record upgrade for additional upgrades and energy downloads to help you in your expansion this year.

If you’re unfamiliar with The Akashic Records, you can read up on it HERE

This workshop will also be held on a new moon, when the sky is the darkest and the energy is most potent and influential for setting new intentions and manifestations. 

Meet your host

Ravelle is a Certified Master Clairvoyant Healer, Reiki Practitioner, Remote Viewer, and Spiritual Coach. Ravelle has been on a journey of healing from as long as she can remember. After running into multiple plateaus, Ravelle finally unlocked the key to her own healing through learning Clairvoyance. Clairvoyance gives you the ability to dive into your subconscious effectively so you can heal on a soul level and beyond. Giving you the ability to access information about yourself that would be otherwise too overwhelming without instruction. Ravelle is passionate about teaching Clairvoyance so that others may have the tools to access their own intuition as well as heal themselves where others cannot reach. When she isn’t teaching, Ravelle provides 1:1 healing sessions where she connects to her client’s subconscious minds and heals past programming, memories, and beliefs so that they can show up as the most actualized version of themselves in this life.


  • Other


  • Clairvoyance Development
  • Clairvoyant Healing


  • Clairvoyance Development
  • Energy Work

New Years Manifestation Mastery Workshop

Wednesday 8-10:00PM

Jan 29, 2025

at 3rd Eye

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