Healing The Heart Workshop - Oct 27, 2024 - Flow Yoga

Oct 27th, 1:30-3:30PM

Healing The Heart Workshop

Join Ravelle Laurette for a special meditation workshop teaching advanced Clairvoyant/energy tools to help re-program and heal your subconscious patterns around the heart.

Clairvoyance is the ability to see, read, and interpret energy out of the Third Eye—the portal to our subconscious, our intuition, and our soul.

Did you know that the heart holds 50x the electromagnetism as the brain does? If our heart is out of energetic alignment or coherence, this can cause dissonance in the energy the heart lets out. Which leads to failed manifestations and an inability to attract what we deeply desire in life. 

However, our energy field is more complex than that as our heart chakra interacts and connects with every chakra in our body, radiating out our desires. If we have wounding in any of our chakras as it relates to the heart, it can impact the ability of the heart to attract what it wants. So how do we heal and bring awareness to this? 

Introducing The Rings of Affinity. 

Spiraling out from the heart, are energetic, electromagnetic rings that connect not only to your 7 main chakras along your spinal column but to your in-between, more esoteric chakras. These chakras aren’t widely known but can have a huge impact on you nonetheless. When these rings are in alignment, your affinities for your desires are easily realized. When they are not, our rings act in rebellion, we find our manifestations fall short, we self-sabotage, we repel what we truly want, or what we want seems out of our reach.

This workshop will be focused on deeply healing the rings of affinity that surround the heart.

This is an advanced workshop, while it is not required, it is recommended you have attended at least one foundational class at Third Eye under Ravelle Laurette (Accessing the Third Eye: Clairvoyant Foundations) as the foundational tools will not be explained in depth.

This is also Part 1 of 2 optional Special Clairvoyant workshops. Part 2 will be a Manifestation Mastery Workshop held on Wed Oct 30th at 8 PM. After healing the Rings of Affinity, you have the opportunity to learn how to manifest Clairvoyantly bringing to life the desires after your deep heart healing for maximum benefit.

For further reading on the heart’s impact on our field and ability to manifest, check out this article by Psychology Today:



Meet your host

Ravelle is a Certified Master Clairvoyant Healer, Reiki Practitioner, Remote Viewer, and Spiritual Coach. Ravelle has been on a journey of healing from as long as she can remember. After running into multiple plateaus, Ravelle finally unlocked the key to her own healing through learning Clairvoyance. Clairvoyance gives you the ability to dive into your subconscious effectively so you can heal on a soul level and beyond. Giving you the ability to access information about yourself that would be otherwise too overwhelming without instruction. Ravelle is passionate about teaching Clairvoyance so that others may have the tools to access their own intuition as well as heal themselves where others cannot reach. When she isn’t teaching, Ravelle provides 1:1 healing sessions where she connects to her client’s subconscious minds and heals past programming, memories, and beliefs so that they can show up as the most actualized version of themselves in this life.


  • Other


  • Clairvoyance Development
  • Clairvoyant Healing


  • Clairvoyance Development
  • Energy Work

Healing The Heart Workshop

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