Sep 22nd, 9:30-11:30AM

Equinox Alchemy: Kundalini Yoga & Meditation

Join us for a transformative two-hour workshop on the most important day of your life—the Autumn Equinox. This pivotal time offers profound energetic balance, opening a portal for alignment, healing, and growth. Through the sacred practices of Kundalini Yoga, breathwork, mantra, and deep meditation, we will harness the momentum of this equinox to cut through karmic patterns, transmute them into dharma, and set a powerful course for the months ahead. This workshop is designed to give you the tools to stop old cycles and step confidently into your dharmic path.

As Yogi Bhajan says, “The equinox is the most important day in every human's life.” Align with this universal power and give yourself the gift of transformation.

Stay after for tea and nourishing community 

Meet your host -

Alexandra Hulme is a a kundalini yoga teacher, movement artist, holistic health coach and a guide for transformational processes. Her deepest passion in life is the process of awakening the body, mind, spirit organically through deep self love, self-inquiry, embodied soul alignment and authentic self expression. Her classes are healing and enlivening, inspiring creativity, harmony and a victory mindset. for more.


  • Chakras
  • Kundalini Yoga
  • Meditation
  • Breathwork
  • Embodiment
  • Dance


  • Kundalini Yoga
  • Meditation
  • Breathwork
  • Movement
  • Dance

Equinox Alchemy: Kundalini Yoga & Meditation

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Equinox Alchemy: Kundalini Yoga & Meditation
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SaleUnlimited classes for the whole family

3 family members for $150/mo $195/mo

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