Mar 2nd, 2-4PM

Satsang: Community Gathering for Spiritual Discussion (FREE)

Satsang is a Sanskrit term derived from two roots: sat meaning "true’" and sangha meaning "community, company or association." It can be translated as "associating with good people" or simply "being in the company of truth," and refers to the act of gathering with like-minded, uplifting people, especially those on a spiritual path. Satsang may also refer to a group of people engaged in a spiritual dialogue. The term is generally used to highlight the importance of a community growing together toward spiritual truth, as well as one's own relationship with that truth.
Satsang is associated with the inner quality of sattva (goodness or purity), which is one of the three gunas (natural attributes) alongside rajas (passion) and tamas (inactivity). Sattva manifests as thoughtfulness, wisdom, contemplation and a peaceful demeanor. A sattvic person makes a natural satsangi, or "seeker of truth."

Satsang is believed to dissolve any sense of separation, allowing the interconnectivity of all beings in the universe to become more apparent. Satsang is an aid on the yogic path to moksha (liberation from suffering and the cycle of death and rebirth). It helps to remove the negative thoughts, material attachments and mental obstacles that block this path. As such, satsang helps people reside in spiritually-centered presence, and to maintain focus on their spiritual path, as individuals and with a like-minded community.

Meet your host

Anderson Charles has been a deep spiritual seeker of truth for many years. For the last 12 years, he has been traveling to many international destinations around the world such as India, Africa, Portugal, all of South East Asia, and Central and South America, with the intention of spiritual growth and development. He has studied for extended periods with Tibetan Buddhist monks, lived and studied in various Ashrams throughout India learning the yogic path, participated in several Vipassana meditations worldwide as well as other long-format silent retreats, and studied various plant medicines throughout Central and South America. His primary teachers and teachings are inspired through entheogenic medicine experience, as well as deeply respected spiritual leaders such as Mooji, Alan Watts, Ram Dass, and Taoist teachings.
  • RYT 200
  • RYT 500

  • Satsang
  • Life Design Meditation
  • Yoga
  • Meditation
  • Spirituality Discussion
  • Satsang
  • Life Design Meditation

Satsang: Community Gathering for Spiritual Discussion (FREE)

Saturday 2-4PM

Mar 02, 2024

at 3rd Eye

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