Self Love Embodiment Workshop - Dec 03, 2023 at Flow Yoga 3rd Eye
Sunday 1:30-2:30PM

Dec 03, 2023

at 3rd Eye

Dec 3rd, 1:30-2:30PM

Self Love Embodiment Workshop

Learn heart coherence, breathwork, and other self love embodiment practices with The Center for Advancement in Social Emotional Learnings (SEL) Director, 30 year Heart based SEL Instructor and curriculum designer, Heidi Little.

Meet your host

Heidi Little, M. Ed is an International Heart Based Social Emotional Learning Trainer, Founder and Director of The Center for Advancement in Social Emotional Learning. Little has written 14 books, 8 stacking modules, four specials and one pedagogy on teaching self love in education, and is a pioneer in this flourishing field of heart based social emotional learning education. Heidi is also an internationally published and award winning recording artist, performer and songwriter. Heidi enjoys producing Medicine shows ( World Peace and Prayer Day) live and in person panels/events. She is a universal energy worker, a voice, music and business educator, dance/movement choreographer, producer, actor, and master Qigong practitioner.
Heidi began designing and teaching progressive art based education curriculum, theater, teacher iservices and at risk youth programming in 1993. She has worked in every country on some level of the globe, with all walks of life from pregnancy through to wise older age.
The stacking modules and workshops are created from techniques that Heidi personally used to battle and win over cancer, teen motherhood, holocaust ancestral trauma, through to wholeness, oneness, and successful multi award winning albums and songs, and thousands of students across the globe. It is time now more than ever, to rise, be equipped and focus on the heart.

  • Self Love in Education 
  • Be The Medicine 
  • Self in Relation To Community
  • Self in Relation to the World and Universe 
  • The Classroom as a Social System 
  • Safe and Brave Spaces
  • Launching you SEL Journey 
  • Heidi also teaches voice, dance/freedom movement, Universal Energy Work, Water Work and Water Medicine Wheel Work, and Business Development for the Highly Gifted Entrepreneur. Heidi Little is a keynote speaker and also holds Q and A exploration sessions for inspiration and human flourishing. Peace Building, WE Team Creation, and A United Earth.

Self Love Embodiment Workshop

Sunday 1:30-2:30PM

Dec 03, 2023

at 3rd Eye

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